CALL US: 303-421-5263

Some of the services we offer:
Improvement Survey Plat (ISP)

The most common type of survey we provide, an Improvement Survey Plat (ISP) is a monumented land survey and a requirement for obtaining residential construction permits in most front range counties. If you are planning a pop-top, addition, new detached garage or ADU, you will probably need an ISP.
Improvment Location Certificate (ILC)

ILCs will often be requested by title companies or lenders as part of a real estate transaction to ensure there are no major issues or encroachments across property lines. While ILCs are the most affordable type of survey we provide, they show an approximation of the boundary only. Property corners are not set or recovered, and property lines are not staked.
ALTA Surveys

ALTA/NSPS Land Title surveys are completed to a national standard, and are typically reserved for commercial properties. ALTA surveys have minimum detail requirements similar to the state-level ISP, and additional items such as vertical relief, building heights, parking spaces, zoning information, e.g. can be specified by the client.
Land Survey Plat (LSP)

A Land Survey Plat (LSP) is a monumented land survey that does not include locating improvements on the parcel such as a house, garage, patio or deck, fences, driveways, etc. If you own a parcel of vacant land, or want to install a privacy fence along your property line, you might want to order an LSP.
Subdivision Plats /
Zone Lot Amendments

For land owners looking to subdivide a parcel of land into 2 or more buildable lots, sell off a vacant portion of the parcel, amend existing lot boundaries, combine existing zone lots, etc.
Elevation Certificates
(FEMA Flood Zones)

If your property lies in a Flood zone, an Elevation Certificate might help with the cost of flood insurance premiums.